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Welcome To Our
Disney Fairytale Wedding Party!


Maria Lurdes Da Silva
aka "Maria" or Lurdes
depending on who you are LOL

Mother of the Bride


Joaquim Loureiro Da Silva
aka "Jack"

Father of the Bride


Pamela Sokoler Mattes
aka "Pam"

Mother of the Groom


Brad Mattes
"The Man, The Myth, The Legend"

Father of the Groom

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Debbie Amarante
aka "RATA"

Maid of Honor

Where would I be without my rata?! We've been inseparable since day one! Debbie is my older cousin, she was the 1st one of us born in America. I was born 6 years after Debbie. Debbie is my best friend even though she thinks I love my friends more. I always thought Debbie was so cool growing up! The way she would come and go and always say, "I gotta bounce" when she left, I idolized her. Of course I grew up to be way cooler than her but I'll always remember those good old days of her getting me in trouble with our Avó Luisa and me getting smacked with the wooden spoon laughing to death bc pretending to fart on our grandmother aka avó was our favorite game to play when we were kids. I was always so sad on Sunday nights when Debbie had to leave, we always played the Beauty & The Beast board game until it was time for her to go at 8pm, she slept over every weekend. Debbie is now a mom of 2 and I'm so thankful that she lets me be besties with her kiddos, Olivia and Anthony. Our favorite thing to do is go for brunch and annoy our aunts & uncles. She recently moved to South Carolina so she could enjoy the beach all year round, going home will never be the same without her there. Fun Fact: Before Debbie moved to SC we convinced our moms to take an hour spin class with us, let's just say they'll never take a class with us again! haha, their poor ratas! LOL! Love you so much my dirty little rata!


Shannon Camara
aka "Mushroom Stems"


Shannon is the youngest out the cousins, there's 5 of us in total and she's by far the smartest & she'll make sure you know that! From playing piano at a professional level to attending an Ivy League University, there's nothing that Shannon can't do! Shannon moved to Baltimore for school so we don't get to see her that much anymore but when we do we bond over our love of mocha madnesses & maple frosted sprinkled donuts. We also love nime chow & playing with kitties. Shannon is an animal lover and uses the rare time off she has to volunteer at animal shelters and even fosters animals in her home. We have an annual sleep over every year on Thanksgiving at Debbie's house! It's one of my most cherished memories. We stay up all night with Debbie's daughter Olivia and play video games against Jared virtually while eating snacks in our unicorn onesies! While the majority of people spend black Friday shopping, we spend Black Friday decorating Debbie's house for Christmas. We put up the Christmas tree and bake gingerbread cookies, the house is filled with love and it's truly a magical day. The kids are so excited to spend the day with us and that fills my heart with so much gratitude. I love that we're all so close like siblings. Shannon grew up down the street from me so we were always together growing up.

Love you mushroom stems!


Kelsey Oliveira
aka "Kels"


Kelsey is the most like me. Our moms are best friends, they grew up together and even got pregnant with our brothers at the same time! They're only a few days apart! We tell everyone we're cousins, because rightfully so! We love to party and dance! Kelsey knows how to have a good time and always has a positive attitude! She's so stylish too! You know Kelsey is a good girl because she spends her weekends partying it up with her mom (aka Fatz) versus going out with her friends which I really admire! Kelsey is the sweetest, most lovable girl and I'm so happy our families have merged into one because I don't know what I'd do without her! Kelsey and I are always the last 2 people on the dance floor, no matter where we go we shut every place down! We also love going to the beach and spending time on Block Island. When I lived in Rhode Island, Kelsey & I went to the gym together everyday. Some of my favorite memories were at the gym, we especially loved watching Kayla tip over during Yoga and get yelled at during boot camp class! We even convinced our moms to take a Zumba class with us one day! That was the BEST day ever! See you in Mexico my hot tamale! 

Love you so much Kels!

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Katelyn Da Silva
aka "Kate"


Kate is my sister-in-law, she's married to my brother JJ and is the mother of my yummy niece, Cece. Kate and I are the definition of opposites attract. We're so different but yet so similar at the same time. Kate is the queen of darkness while I'm the queen of rainbows & unicorns. Kate loves black while I love pink. Kate loves everything neutral while I love bling & sparkles. Kate wanted so desperately not to like me but over the years I've grown on her so much that I know I'm her favorite sister-in-law! Having Cece turned her over to the dark side, aka my pink rainbow world! Kate is such a good mom, Cece is literally the most amazing little girl and it's all because of Kate, and maybe a tiny bit of my brother, but mostly Kate! We have so much fun together and talk everyday! We have our own bond outside of my brother and I'm so grateful to finally have a sister. Kate is the best gift my brother ever gave me. Maybe one day I'll be a size 0 again so I can share her clothes and never give them back, bc that's what sisters do right?! Thank you for accepting me for who I am and loving me the way you do! Jared loves you so much too! I love that we get to celebrate our birthdays together every summer! We're the coolest and everyone knows it!

Beach Babes For Life!
Love You! xoxo

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Danielle Mattes
aka "Dani"


Dani is Jared's older sister. She's fierce like a hot tamale! But don't try and give Dani any spicy food because she can't handle it! LOL! We love to hang out at Dani's house and spend quality time together. I enjoy harassing her about the boys she's dating while I prepare a feast for us to enjoy! We somehow always manage to eat until we can't move and pass out on the couch after! We used to go to paint nite all the time until it got to the point that we didn't know what to do with our paintings anymore! Luckily there's fun festivals and art shows in her neck of the woods that we get to go to in the summer to keep us occupied! Dani just recently became a dog mom so if you have Instagram go follow her cute golden doodle, Ernie. She's doing an amazing job with him! He's so fluffy and cute! Be sure to watch his swim lessons on insta! They're adorable, just like her! His instagram handle is: @Mypupernie

So proud of you! Woof Woof!
Love you so much!


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Nicole Mattes
aka "Niki"


Niki is Jared's little sister. She's the easiest person to get along with. She's always happy and down for a good time. She loves dogs so if you have one she'll be your best friend! But seriously, SHE LOVES DOGS! Niki is also getting married this year, I'm so grateful that we get to go through this experience together. Cheers to us becoming brides and hopefully getting some pictures together because we have like none!! Niki will out walk anyone so if you want to do a steps challenge she's the one to beat! But SERIOUSLY, good luck! LOL! Both of our favorite shows start with GG, can you guess them?! They're not the same, but I think it's so funny that they both have the same initials. Niki loves Gossip Girl while I love Gilmore Girls! Love you so much my Bravo loving sista! Vanderpump for life! P.S. Let's take a peloton class together soon! Cody Rigsby for sure!

Cheers to the beautiful bride to be!



Ashley Silva
aka "Ash"


Ashley was my life long neighbor until her parents recently decided to retire and move back to Portugal. The day I said goodbye to her parents I cried all the way from my parents house in Rhode Island to  our place in New York! Poor Jared had to drive me back home, I was sobbing the entire way! haha! But seriously, I'm so grateful for our friendship! Ashley and I bonded over how insanely strict our parents were, our moms became besties and they watched us like hawks! Ashley would always run across the street to get away from her mom and eat my moms cooking and I would always run across the street to borrow Ashley's clothes and have her do my makeup. She's so good at tweezing eyebrows too! Ashley was president of our school & prom queen, she has the biggest heart and will do anything for anyone. I love her as if she were my real sister and I'll always cherish our childhood memories. I don't know what I would have done without her across the street! I'll always remember our pool days and getting our moms so mad that they would yell at us outside!  Well that was mostly your mom but still! haha! I love you so much and I'm so happy that my parents decided to move next door to you many, many years ago! She is also the most amazing aunt in the world! I'm so proud of everything you do for them, you're the best titi ever! xoxo


Kayla Mellen
aka "Kayla Rabbitt"


Kayla is the 1st friend I ever made. Kayla & I are inseparable like real sisters, we met at Sunday school aka CCD. Kayla was the quiet girl in class and I was the social butterfly but we hit it off right away! We've been best friends since we met at 5 years old! Funny enough everyone in my hometown actually thinks Kayla went to school with us because she never missed one of our events but she was actually from a nearby city! Kayla is super smart, she was valedictorian of her class and plays softball like a BOSS! She even received an award at graduation! We love to go to Del's, Honey Dew, Target & the beach. Our #1 spot growing up was Dragon Villa, there was nothing like getting half off appetizers after 8pm & then hitting the club all night! We can just sit and do nothing but as long as we're together that's enough for me. I'll always cherish our memories of traumatizing Pierre at CCD, Pierre was our Sunday school teacher until we made our Confirmation at 17. I was the girl in class that would ask our priest if he was really a virgin and Kayla was the shy girl that always covered her face and laughed at the crazy stuff I said. My absolute favorite memory with Kayla was when we went away for Bible Camp and I pretended to be the Virgin Mary resurrecting in the middle of the night. I woke Pierre and the Priest up! Of course no-one had proof that it was me, but Pierre knew it was me deep down and that I conned sweet Kayla into being my accomplice. He ratted us out to my mom. Luckily the boys put shaving cream all over the priests face while he was sleeping so I was the least of their worries! Silly boys! Kayla is now a mom of 2 and even her kids call me rata! If you know, you know!




Jillian Graham
aka "Jilly Poo"


Jill is my sister from another mister! Jill is the one that I talk to on the phone the most! She is so sweet & kind and she'll really go out of her way for the people she loves the most. I'm so grateful for our friendship! We've known each other forever! Jill grew up down the street from us and my brother even took Jill to one of his formal dances back in the day! I don't know what I would do without her! We even lived together after college! She keeps me entertained with her daily phone calls venting about the people she comes into contact with, bc let's face it, most people are beyond frustrating! LOL! Jill is my go-to person and while I love all of my friends the same, Jill is the one that I reach out to the most bc she just gets me, we're one and the same. No matter what I need, I know that I can always count on her. Jill's always there to lend a helping hand and she loves my family just as much as I do. She would do anything for any one of my family members. She is a beautiful gem. It's hard to find people like her in this scary world, but when you find someone you can trust whole heartedly, hold on to them close, bc they'll be there for you until the end. Sisters for life! P.S. you'll never believe how many dumplings Jill can fit in her mouth at once! That will always be my favorite inside joke between us and my dad! I love you my dumpling sista! But seriously, I miss those dumplings Christine used to make for us! We would scarf them down in the parking lot and never made it home with any! Cheers to all of our memories at Super Dragon!

Foodies for life!



Elizabeth Mersereau
aka "Liz" or "Pocahontas" ;)


Liz is the tough one in the group, but don't let her fool you, she's all bark and no bite! Liz is the one that I look up-to the most. She's so smart and can do math in the blink of an eye! She's the best at itemizing bills when we go out, she's our favorite accountant! Liz put herself through college after having her daughter Evani, she managed to graduate with honors while being a single mother and working full-time. Liz is a badass! No one could mange it all the way she does, she's so lovable and fun once you peel away her layers. To see her vulnerable side is a gift, bc there's no one like her. We have so much fun together! Liz attends all of our family parties, she never lets me down. When we were kids in CCD, our Priest asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. As a young child Liz said "God put me on this earth to be a mother" and let me tell you Liz is an AMAZING mother. Being a single mom is no joke, it's a full-time job on it's own but Liz manages to juggle it all. Even though she has a full plate, she never misses an event. Liz has always been there for me and I love how close we are and that I have such a special bond with her daughter, Princess Evani. You're the greatest human and I hope you realize that you're the best person out there! No matter how tough things may seem, please know that I'm always just a phone call away. I love you Pocahontas, hehe!



Dr. Sarita Mohanty 
aka "Lisa"


Sarita and I met in 7th grade, we grew up in the same town but didn't meet until middle school bc we attended different elementary schools. It wasn't until 7th grade that we all merged into one school. Sarita and I instantly became best friends, we were inseparable until Sarita moved to NY to attend medical school. We bonded over having immigrant parents and I called her every day after school. Sarita would stay on the phone with me while I did my chores. I had to do the laundry and I was terrified of going in the basement so Sarita would stay on the phone with me while I was down there. This lasted all the way until we graduated! LOL! We had so much fun together, 8th grade was our best year! Team 1 for life! Fun fact, Sarita broke my arm during softball, she felt so bad she bought me what seemed like every single shirt at Express. Express was so cool back in the day! I'll never forget Sarita showing up to class with huge bags filled with clothes bc she felt so bad that I had to wear a cast. My elbow broke in a few spots and we didn't know if I was going to need a cast all summer while my arm healed. Luckily it came off after a month and I was able to enjoy my summer vacation in Orlando with my cousins Shannon & Steve but Sarita felt so bad, it was so cute! I missed Sarita so much when she moved away for college that I drove to NY every weekend and visited her. Sarita bartended through college and I loved helping her sell trays of shots! It was so fun! When Sarita came home for the summer we got a job waitressing together at Friendly's, we had some amazing times back then, esp going out and enjoying late summer nights. Sarita's a busy bee, when she's not working at the hospital she's off traveling the world. If you ever need any traveling advice text her! Or Marcy Kalish of course! Sarita planned my bachelorette party to Mexico and I can't wait for us to create new memories like we did when she joined us in Portugal a few summers back! 



Sean Novak 
aka "Novak"

Fairy Brides Woman

Novak and I grew up together but it wasn't until college that I received a Facebook message from him asking if he could join my friends and I out one night. Novak said it looked like we were always having fun and he wanted in! After that we became inseparable! Novak is my bestie! He's my parter-in-crime! Novak kept up since day one and became my go-to partier! From the party bus to VIP club nights, we crushed it! Providence was our playground and we had so much fun together! I was lucky enough to be his "best man"

I wore a tux and planned his bachelor party in Vegas. Now Novak gets to be one of my "bridesmaids" and join us in Mexico for my bachelorette party! I'm so grateful that Jared and Novak's amazing wife Audrey don't mind us being best friends! Idk where I'd be without our daily memes, or our back and forth banter. Novak moved to Virginia to be a big shot at Cannon, I miss him but I'm so happy that we don't let distance dwindle our friendship. We speak daily and are always there for each other. Novak just became a daddy to baby Wyatt! Wyatt is so cute and it means so much to me that I get to be there for all of these important life changing moments. Jared and I just recently visited Novak in Virginia. We had so much fun celebrating baby Wyatt! I love you so much and I hope you know that no matter how much of a hard time I give you, you're my favorite and teasing you is my favorite hobby! No matter how tough you are and your infatuation with guns and 'Merica, you're really just a softy deep down like me! That's why we're besties! My entire family loves you and we're so proud of the life you created for yourself and get so sad when we drive by your old house on the way to the creamery or honeydew. Asia Grille for life! Sorry Kayla, I don't mean to cheat on Dragon Villa when Novak is in town! LOL


Dana Arnold
aka "Baby Wench"


Dana and I grew up together, she's my baby wench! From Saylesville Elementary to graduating high school together we always had a blast together. Go Lions! She's my kitty loving, cupcake queen. Dana just recently joined Jared and I in Disney! I was so nervous bc I knew Jared was going to propose so she came to visit and stay with us before the big day to help calm my nerves. Dana lives in Florida so we don't get to see each other much but we make an effort to see each other everytime I'm in Florida. She'll always drive to where I'm staying, even if it's a 3-4 hour drive! That's how you know who your real friends are! Dana is getting married in November and I'm so excited for her! She's going to be the most beautiful bride! She's always so happy and cheerful, she's my blonde ray of sunshine! Whenever we see each other we run up to one another and hug immediately, we're just so darn cute! Dana is an amazing softball player, we share so many memories together. Dana's mom didn't want us to be friends, she thought I was a bad influence on her which was funny bc Dana was the naughty one! haha! I'll never forget our 8th grade field trip to NY! LOL! Like I said before, Team 1 for life! Dana really is just too cute! Anytime I see something cute online I always have to share it with her bc we're both still kids deep down! We share a love for holiday decor, baking and Temptations from QVC! If it's cute, it's for us! Fun fact, I was never allowed to sleep out growing up but my mom finally caved senior year for Dana's birthday and let me sleepover! Dana was my 1st sleepover away from home! Of course I was the first girl to get picked up, but hey it was progress and much appreciated! I still remember we watched IT and Dana was scared and painted her nails in the kitchen while we all watched the scary clown eat children in the living room! LOL! Dana is currently working on getting her PHD and I'm so proud of her, my little smarty pants! 

I love you my beautiful bride to be!



Adrienne Mann
aka "Chicken Tenders w/honey mustard"


Adrienne and I met at our first job, McDonald's! My parent's were so strict so to outsmart them I decided to get a job at the local McDonald's in town and have all of my friends work there with me so we could hang out 24/7! LOL! My parents were furious as they wanted me to focus on my studies and be home with them! I'm so glad that I decided to work there bc I made lifelong friends and was able to meet amazing girls from other nearby towns that I never would have met without working at McDonald's. Adrienne is my number one Micky D's girl! And yes, I really did convince the general manager John to hire every single one of my best friends, and yes they really did all work there so we could hang out together after school and on the weekends! My friends really are the best! Adrienne fit right in with us, we had so much fun welcoming her into our tribe and we've been best friends since we were 16 years old. I really admire Adrienne bc she's always been the mom of the group, she's the responsible one and always made sure we all got home safely and got everything done that we needed to. She also took it upon herself to take care of the little girl next door whose not so little anymore! Even from a young age Adrienne always managed to take care of all of us, she always puts herself last to make sure we're ok, she really is an amazing person. We had so many fun nights in her dorm at RIC, boy did we drink a lot back then! Malibu nights! Now we're calm and don't drink much, maybe Mexico will bring out that old school side of us! I'll always remember all of the fun we had together and while I haven't eaten meat in 10 years, back in the day we would stuff our aprons with chicken nuggets and chicken selects and stuff our faces in the drive through when no one was looking. Idk how we didn't manage to gain any weight back then! Between the drinking and the fast food, boy were we blessed! Fun fact, Adrienne used to pay me to write her papers in college so I technically also have a Sociology/Psych degree! LOL!

Love you! xoxox


Tara Edge Schoenfeld
Forever Tara Edge in my eyes! Sorry Marc!


Tara and I met while I waitressed at Friendly's during college. We had so much fun working together and going out all night! We had a blast going to Club Hell! If you know, you know! If you don't well I'm sorry but there's somethings we just have to keep to ourselves as adults! haha! Tara is like a soft marshmallow, she's my sensitive little bunny, I just love her so much! We have been so close forever and I'm so grateful for the bond I have with her entire family. We talk all day, everyday with her cousin Meghan. Group chat for life! Tara got married in Vegas, it was amazing and we had a blast! I don't get to see her as often as I would like bc she's too cool for us and moved to Martha's Vineyard what feels like a lifetime ago, but our daily conversations make it feel like we're always together. I especially love when Tara gets tipsy and makes me download a million apps to play games with her all night. During covid we had game nights like every single night! It was so fun and drove Jared nuts bc we would stay up laughing our butts off until 2am! One night we even stayed up until 5:30AM, thank god for Tara's husband Marc who got up with the kids at 7AM. Time really does fly when you're having fun! We laughed so hard when the sun came out, we had no idea what time it was, we had been on the phone since she put the kids to bed at like 8/8:30PM LOL! Tara is the one that I can be the most authentic with. While I love all of my friends and feel 100% comfortable with every one of them, it's Tara that I can go-to with my daily struggles. Ever since I was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme disease I started experiencing symptoms like depression and anxiety, and while I never talk about it, or let anyone see that side of me, it's Tara that I go-to when I feel those moments creeping up, and it's Tara that pulls me out of it. I'm so grateful for how far we have come together, never judging one another but just loving the other person for who they are and constantly uplifting each other. Tara is also so creative, she really should start her own etsy shop! She also see's the world the way I do, and since I'm so different than everyone else, it's so comforting to know that there's someone who loves and cares as deeply about everything the same way that I do. She goes out of her way to make everyday fun and memorable for her kids, she's the best human out there and the world is a better place bc she's in it. I love you so much and side note, I'll never forget your bachelorette party! If you were lucky enough to be there then you share the same memories we do! A night that will never be forgotten. Cheers to you, my diamond in the sky!



Selvana Abdelmessih Gerges
aka "Egqptian Goddess"


Selvana and I met in college, we both majored in Business at JWU! Selvana was the quiet girl in class, she was so incredibly shy, but boy did I change that! LOL! Selvana's parents are from Egypt, they were so strict and never let her go out. And while I can't say anything just incase they ever see this, I will say, outsmarting them is some of our finest work! Selvana was so scared of dogs when we met, I remember her being so scared of Lily, Lily was our 5lb Chihuahua, it was hilarious! Her coming over and being terrified of Lily is some of my fondest memories, don't worry she's not scared of dogs anymore! haha! I just love Selvana so much, she's what made college so memorable for me. We would get iced coffees and gossip at the university gym, who needs to hydrate with water when you're from New England & there's iced coffee! We ate lunch together every day. She would get her $1 slices of pizza from Pizza Queen and I would get my $5 footlong sub from Subway with a bag of Sun Chips. Don't worry I only ate half for lunch and saved the other half for dinner! Every day that Selvana and I were together was a blast. From throwing her the most EPIC 21st birthday party to passing notes in class, she is the friend that I will always treasure bc we grew so much together in college. We were still kids when we met, but we grew into adults together. I will never forget our bathroom meet ups so we could catch up when we didn't have class together. Selvana would take photos of me in the bathroom bc what's college without bathroom selfies for Facebook! Selvana is now married to Kiro who is super fun and they have 2 little ones. She's such an amazing mom and she really goes out of her way to make sure they have the best life they can. Having two babies is exhausting but she manages to make it look easy while looking like a goddess. If I weren't marrying Jared, I would go after Selvana! haha! She's an Egyptian Princess and she gets even more beautiful with every day that passes. I'm so happy that we stayed so close even after college ended, you're an amazing person and I'm so proud of you!

Go Wild Cats! Roar! xoxo


Colleen Pickering
aka "Coll"


Colleen and I met in college and boy did we have fun together! Colleen was quiet and shy like Selvana but her inner spirit animal always came out to play whenever we got together and she quickly began to open up! Now she doesn't stop talking! LOL! Love You! Colleen is probably the one I have the most fun with! She comes and visits Jared and I in NY all the time. We love going to Mariachi Loco when she's in town, it's our local NY hang out spot. Anywhere where we can have tacos and drink margaritas, count us in! I especially loved setting her up on dates while she was single but she recently started a serious relationship! Whelp! There goes my fun! Just kidding, I'm so happy for you both! We truly had the most epic college experience. I'll always cherish our memories at the Regency, gosh we pretty much lived there for 4 years! Our home away from home! I'll never forget the time Colleen needed me to drive her home from the bar, I didn't know how to drive stick and I wanted to go to Manville Pizza to get a pizza before they closed at 3:30AM, LOL! We were in Providence and Manville Pizza was 20 minutes away, it was the only place that was still open, RI problems! I stalled out at every single red light and it took me forever to get the pizza, but once I finally got there Colleen woke up out of a dead sleep stuffed her face with pizza and then went back to sleep. The next day she didn't remember a thing and somehow I managed not to destroy the clutch on her car. That was the first and last time I ever drove a stick shift. Thanks for that! Besides late night excursions, we also love to go shopping with Emma and watch trash tv, aka reality tv. We LOVE to binge watch Jersey Shore & The Real Housewives on Bravo when she's in town! Thanks for always being so fun! Can't wait for the summer so we can go back to Block Island! Cabana's for life! xo


Jaclyn Domminianni
aka "Jackie" & "Jacko"


Jackie and I met in college. Jackie, Selvana, Colleen and I took business classes together for four years during college. We had so much fun at JWU! JWU was the greatest four years of my life and I feel so lucky that I got to share this experience with each and every one of them. I still remember Jackie dropping my iPhone in a drink outside of class and us asking everyone if they had rice bc we had heard that rice could save cell phones! haha, the gold old days of having iPhones when they first came out! I don't remember why we were drinking outside the building though since it was day time! We had the most amazing nights out in Providence. We danced until we couldn't feel our feet, we'll maybe that was me! LOL! Whisky Republic was always a great time and so were our nights out on Thayer Street! Jackie is my peloton loving sista! She convinced me to buy one! We love to share fun classes with each other and encourage each other to work out! I love when I run into Jackie out and about in town. Jackie has such a busy schedule and our timelines never match up so when we get to see each other it's always a blast! Jackie loves going to Ballards but I'm going to get her to take me to Nantucket the next time she goes! Somehow, I've never been to Nantucket and she's always having so much fun there! Jackie is from NJ so whenever I go home for the holidays she goes home to NJ so we never get to see each other. Thank god for cell phones! Fun Fact: Jackie hates texting so if you'd like to speak to her, pick up the phone and call her!

Love you Jacko! xoxo


Olivia Amarante
aka "Livey" & "Livey Livers"

Flower Girl - Tana's Goddaughter

& Maid of Honor Debbie's Daughter


Cecilia Da Silva
aka "Cece"

Flower Girl - Tana's Goddaughter

& Bridesmaid Kate's Daughter

Groomsman JJ's Daughter


Evani Lobo
aka "Princess Evani"

Flower Girl - Tana's Bestie

& Bridesmaid Elizabeth's Daughter

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Olivia Provost

Flower Girl - Jared's Cousin

& Officiant Keith's Granddaughter


Anthony Amarante
aka "The Chubbs"

Ring Bearer - Tana's Cousin

& Maid of Honor Debbie's Son


Logan Provost

Ring Bearer - Jared's Cousin

 & Officiant Keith's Grandson


Greg Sokoler

Bestman - Favorite Cousin

& Lifelong Partner-In-Crime


Joaquim Garcia Da Silva Jr
aka "JJ"

Groomsman - Tana's Brother

& Jared's Brother-In-Law


Vincent Ferrerra
aka "Vin"

Groomsman - Future Brother-In-Law

 Niki, Jared's sisters Fiancé  


Joseph Fuschetto
aka "Joe Foosh"

Groomsman - Childhood Bestie 

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Mike Fuschetto
aka "Mikey or Little Foosh"

Groomsman - Childhood Bestie 


Piergiorgio Maselli
aka "Pier"

Groomsman - Childhood Bestie 


Andrew Rahamin
aka "Andy"

Groomsman - Childhood Bestie 


Max Rahamin

Groomsman - Childhood Bestie 


Yon Teme
aka "Sheek"

Groomsman - College Bestie of  Jared & Tana



Joseph Spadafino
aka "Spad"

Groomsman - Jared's Other Lover


Justin Santos
aka "Santos"

Groomsman - Snowboarding & Football Loving Bestie

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Martini & Bella
aka "Sir Martin of Granada"
"Jelly Belly" (Bella)

Kitties of the Bride & Groom  

Our End of the Bed "Foot Warmers"

We're so proud of you Martin xo 


Emma Mae
aka "baby lamb" & "stinky poopy face"
Pictured with her BFF Daisy

Doggy of the Bride & Groom

Tana's Favorite Shopping Companion! 

Jared's Favorite Girl to Make out With!

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